Thursday, 11 January 2018

One day

One day....Just one day ,everyone among us must have someday somewhere thought of that one day where our utter desire comes to reality, or maybe once in while we have lived our one precious moment in that day somewhere in past and want to live it again, want to relive it again,
want to cherish that magical moment again. That moment maybe a dream we are chasing for long or it may be meeting our special ones
or fulfilling our parent's aspirations. Everyone has their one day in deep thoughts of their mind..the thought of having the perfect life
of  his dreams and eventually we work for grabbing that utter moment for us sometimes at the cost of loosing many things. In quest of our dreams sometimes
we loose ourselves, our dear ones who were once the part of that dream and left little less alone in the room full of people where our eyes still hunt
for someone or something that belongs to us and is all ours. To be ambitious is good on our part but balancing it all is what is needed otherwise somewhere
in the persuasion of one fine moment we will lose the present asset and pile our little world with disappointments and broken hopes.
So, whatever is it, it is in the moment ,work for it and have patience .Sometimes it’s all been right time and one right moment for everyone who is waiting
for their one day or maybe who have lived part of their life in that one day....everyone has his or her day....his or her one day.....